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Covid-19: The sum of all fears (Samir Messarra)
2020-04-18 15:10:01

In the well-known movie entitled “The sum of all fears” directed in 2002 by Phil Robinson with leading roles played by Ben Affleck and Morgan Freeman, Humanity was at the edge of being exterminated by the threat of a nuclear bomb war between the 2 main super powers of the world. It was stopped at the last minutes when the plot was unveiled. This was possible because all the details and intricacies of the conspiracy were discovered and known with no possible doubts.

Today, the planet is witnessing a new kind of global fear, taking the form of a biological war caused by a virus pandemic that led to an unprecedented lockdown of all countries. Who amongst us could have ever imagined that we can reach such a tragedy in the 21st century, despite the so called quantum leap developments of knowledge and technology?

The difference between the film and the prevailing pandemic is that the latter has uncovered the monstrosity of mankind, and its failure in pre-empting the dangers that could destroy life and environment. This is in fact a true conclusion, otherwise how can we explain the mess in which the politicians, medical scientists, researchers, media, and public find themselves in?

After more than ninety days; it seems that none of the world leaders, and concerned experts, has clear cut answers to many questions. Even worse, all of them are competing to take part in talk shows on traditional and media platforms to disseminate contradictory and confusing theories, adding to the whole picture another disguised form of propaganda pandemic where rumors, lies, fake news, and show offs, prevail.

At the dangerous stage where we are now, the frightened people have the right to know:

What is the source of the Covid-19? Is there a one true answer, or shall we all live indefinitely in a blur situation where everybody has his or her own version?

What is the nature of this virus? Is it a new breed or lab fabricated?

If it is lab fabricated? Is it for a noble cause, or a nasty cause? Are the flying rumors and the ping pong accusations true or not?

Are we really condemned to wait for 9 months or a year until a cure and a vaccine are found? Where are the geniuses of this planet, who are promoting themselves as being the heroes, the most advanced, and the most intelligent people ever?

Finally, is it acceptable for developed countries to discover overnight the deficiencies in their human and medical resources? Is it also tolerable to reach a point where doctors and nurses find themselves in a dilemma to choose who lives and who dies?
All these issues are no less than a scandal that stripped humans. They are the ones accountable for all the errors and misconducts imposed not only on them, but on the rest of the earthly creatures. Time has come to turn around the trend of negligence and arrogance. Time has come to stop playing the role of the superior specie that can control Mother Nature. We should learn the lesson; otherwise the newly born “Sum of all fears” will keep on threatening our lives every day.


التيار الوطني الحر

كلمات دلالية:  pandemic themselves true fabricated come world Time could
ملاحظة : نرجو ممن يرغب بإضافة تعليق، صياغته بلغة لائقة بعيدة عن القدح والذم والتحريض المختلف أو المسّ بالكرامات. إن كل ما ينشر من مقالات وأخبار ونشاطات وتعليقات، لا تعبر بأي شكل من الأشكال عن رأي الموقع الذي لا يتحمّل أي أعباء معنويّة أو ماديّة من جرّائها.


لارسال تعليق يرجى تعبئة الحقول الإلزامية التالية

الاسم الكامل: اختياري *الرسالة : مطلوب

 البريد الالكتروني : اختياري

 الدولة : اختياري

 عنوان الرسالة : اختياري



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