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وفاة جنفياف مارون
2023-07-07 22:57:48

توفيت  السيدة جنفياف مارون والدة المونسنيور شربل مارون والرفاق ناصيف ولبنان ومارون.

يحتفل بالصلاة لراحة نفسها يوم الإثنين 10 تموز في تمام العاشرة صباحاً  في كنسية مار شربل نيو جيرسي.

تجدون مزيداً من التفاصيل أدناه:

In Loving Memory of Genevieve Maroun: A Life Embraced by Faith, Family and Love

In the hope of the Risen Christ, we celebrate the remarkable life of Genevieve Maroun, a devout woman of faith who peacefully entered eternal life on Thursday, July 6, 2023, at the age of 98. Born in Jal El-Dib, Lebanon in 1925, she was one of seven children. In 1989, she ventured to the United States with her beloved husband, Jamil, and their family, settling in New Brunswick.

Genevieve’s unwavering faith in God played a central role in her life. She was a devoted parishioner of St. Sharbel Maronite Catholic Church in Somerset, where her faith served as the guiding light of her existence. As an active member of the Order of St. Sharbel and eternal member of the Immaculate Conception Ladies Sodality, she found solace and strength in her deeply rooted Maronite Catholic Faith, and in turn served as an inspiration to many. Genevieve’s love and dedication extended beyond her religious community to her role as a loving wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, aunt, and dear friend. She was a remarkably resilient woman who possessed a heart overflowing with care and compassion for all those who were fortunate enough to know her. She was known by many as “Em el Koul” or “Mother of all”.

In the tapestry of Genevieve’s life, she carried the memories of her late husband, Jamil N. Maroun, who passed away in 2007, and her daughter, Leila Stadelman, who preceded her in 2002. She also mourned the loss of her grandson, John Stadelman Jr. (d. 2009), and her son-in-law, Francis Abou Jaoude. Genevieve was preceded in death by her parents, Abdo and Helena Ragheb, as well as her brothers Elias and Shahid Ragheb, and her sisters Tacla Abou Moussa, Josephine Abou Ali, and Sayde Issa.

Her unconditional love and selflessness knew no bounds. Genevieve’s nurturing spirit created an environment of warmth and tenderness for her children: Nassif Maroun (Nawal) of New Brunswick, Lebnan Maroun (Guitta) of North Brunswick, Reverend Chorbishop sharbel Maroun of Minneapolis, MN, and Maroun Maroun (Helene) of North Brunswick. She is also survived by her daughters Violette Abou Jaoude and Juliette (George) El Kassis, both residing in Lebanon. Additionally, she leaves behind her son-in-law John Stadelman of Milltown, her sister Habouba Zeinon of Lebanon, 21 adoring grandchildren, and 22 cherished great-grandchildren.

A Funeral Liturgy of Resurrection will be held on Monday, July 10th, at 10:00 am at St. Sharbel Maronite Catholic Church, located at 526 Easton Ave, Somerset, NJ. Following the service, Genevieve will be laid to rest at Resurrection Cemetery in Piscataway. Friends and family are invited to pay their respects during the visitation on Sunday, July 9,  from 3:00 to 7:00 pm at St. Sharbel Church.

In honor of Genevieve’s memory, those who wish to offer their support may make a donation to either St. Sharbel Church or Noursat TV. The compassionate arrangements are being handled by The Crabiel Home for Funerals, located at 170 N Main St.- at Riva Avenue, Milltown. You are welcome to share your condolences and memories in the online condolence “guestbook” at www.crabiel.com.

Christ is Risen! He is Truly Risen! Alleluia!



كلمات دلالية:  Genevieve Maroun Sharbel Abou life Church Brunswick Risen
ملاحظة : نرجو ممن يرغب بإضافة تعليق، صياغته بلغة لائقة بعيدة عن القدح والذم والتحريض المختلف أو المسّ بالكرامات. إن كل ما ينشر من مقالات وأخبار ونشاطات وتعليقات، لا تعبر بأي شكل من الأشكال عن رأي الموقع الذي لا يتحمّل أي أعباء معنويّة أو ماديّة من جرّائها.


لارسال تعليق يرجى تعبئة الحقول الإلزامية التالية

الاسم الكامل: اختياري *الرسالة : مطلوب

 البريد الالكتروني : اختياري

 الدولة : اختياري

 عنوان الرسالة : اختياري



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